Monday, October 24, 2011

One Year Old

Davin had his one year old checkup and shots today. The poor little man SCREAMED during his shots and for some reason it was worse than all his other shots for me. Maybe it was because when he was younger I was used to him screaming? Or perhaps because he was a quiet crier so he didn't scream super loud with his shots. I don't know, but man I was trying to hold back tears sucked! In all honesty he cried for less than 5 minutes, was just fine after that and was zonked by the time we got home. Here are Dav's stats...

Weight: 22 lb. 14 oz. 50%
Height: 31 in. 83%
Head Circumference: 49 cm. 97%
Yup, he's still got a giant head! (even a bigger percent than last time...) :)

Here are a few things about our one year old little boy
  • Davin can walk and does so for a little bit every day but mostly still chooses to crawl.
  • He still LOVES balls and will chase them all over the house. In fact I think that's partly why he still crawls so much, just so he can chase after his balls and push them around.
  • He also loves playing with his blocks. I love to watch the concentration on his face while he stacks them. The funny thing is that he rarely knocks them down on purpose. He's a builder, not a destroyer.
  • He loves to go outside and will smile and laugh when we go out the door.
  • He is doing much better with strangers. Even though he might act solemn and stare you down he won't generally get scared or cry.
  • Davin has a few "tricks" but will usually only do them for me or Taylor, he's a stinker like that. He can wave bye bye and even says "buh buh" , blow kisses, give high fives, and we're working on having him hold up one finger when asked how old he is.
  • He has started to jabber and makes the silliest sounds sometimes, I love it! The other day in the car he giggled and said "gobble, gobble" in his sleep, at least it sounded like gobble gobble.
  • He's started scooting around on his belly when he's in his jammies.
  • He got one of those pillow pet things for his birthday and he loves it! He hugs it, gives it kisses, and throws himself on top of it to cuddle with it.
  • He still takes 2 naps a day (hallelujah!!) and is so f
    unny at bed time. He used to have kind of a hard time getting to sleep and would cry for a few minutes, but now he basically will reach for his crib and will sometimes smile really big when we lay him down and give him his blankie.
  • Unfortunately he goes through stages where he will wake up really early in the morning, between 6 and 6:30...sigh....
  • He has 7 teeth. 4 on the top middle, and 3 on the bottom with another one ready to pop through any minute to make it the 4 middle.
  • I don't even know what else to say, he is just perfect! (except for when he's not)
I love watching Dav learn new things! The littlest things see
m to be the biggest accomplishment, and at this age it seems like he learns something new everyday! Oh we love our sweet boy.

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