Saturday, January 31, 2009

welcome to the blogging world...

As if facebook wasn't already a big enough waste of time, I decided to start a blog. I think my problem is that it's the first saturday in a long time that I haven't worked and I have absolutely nothing to do! I was planning on sleeping in nice and long when Taylor (my fiance, he will be mentioned more later) called and woke me up! Don't worry, it was a necessary phone call, but I just couldn't go back to sleep. (Side note, I can never remember how to spell the word necessary, is it two c's or to s's??? So I had to look it up in the dictionary, and alas, I had it right the first time.) So this is what it comes down to, I'm really excited to start this blog and to live the exciting life of a blogger. So far, I'm not sure how to do anything... We'll see how this goes.

1 comment:

  1. yay! i wanted to be the first to comment and show you how exciting it is when someone comments haha. love ya my dear! excited to see you this weekend :)
